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Comparing Taxomate with Amazon Dashboard
Comparing Taxomate with Amazon Dashboard

Not matching the data in the Amazon Dashboard

Updated over a year ago

Customers often wonder why their Amazon financial data doesn't align with what they see on QuickBooks, Xero, or Wave compared to Amazon's Financial Dashboard.

We use the Payment Settlement Report for our data because it has the most comprehensive financial details and matches the payout amount. Taxomate organizes these transaction types in the Payment Settlement Report in a way that's easy to understand, especially for tax preparation. However, our organization method is different from Amazon's method on their dashboard.

Below, we've provided charts that show how we've matched Taxomate's transaction categories to the Amazon Dashboard categories.

If you want your accounting software to show the same data as the Amazon Dashboard, you should set up new accounts corresponding to each Amazon Dashboard category. After that, map these accounts to their respective transaction types in Taxomate's Accounts & Taxes pages.

Note: The charts below do not include all transaction types but should cover most. If you have any issues in getting the profit and loss report to match with the Amazon Dashboard, feel free to reach out to us.


Amazon Dashboard Category

Taxomate Settlement Data (from Settlement V2 Report)

Taxomate Category

Product Charges

Order ItemPrice Principal


Tax and Regulatory Fee

Order ItemPrice Tax

Order ItemPrice Tax

Sales Tax Collected


Order ItemPrice Shipping

Shipping Income

Other (Sales)

Order ItemPrice GiftWrap

Subscription and Service Fees

Other (Sales)

Other-transaction Other-transaction NonSubscriptionFeeAdj

Subscription and Service Fees

Other (Sales)

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement WAREHOUSE DAMAGE

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement REVERSAL REIMBURSEMENT

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement WAREHOUSE LOST

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement COMPENSATED CLAWBACK

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement CRETURN WRONG ITEM

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement CS ERROR ITEMS

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement CS ERROR NON ITEMIZED

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Customer Return

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Damaged:Warehouse

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement FREE REPLACEMENT REFUND ITEMS

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement FREE REPLACEMENT REFUND NON ITEMIZED

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement General Adjustment

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement INBOUND CARRIER DAMAGE

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement INCORRECT FEES ITEMS

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement INCORRECT FEES NON ITEMIZED

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Lost:Inbound

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Lost:Outbound

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Lost:Warehouse

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement MISSING FROM INBOUND

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement MISSING FROM INBOUND CLAWBACK

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement MULTICHANNEL ORDER DAMAGED

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement MULTICHANNEL ORDER LATE

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement MULTICHANNEL ORDER LOST

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement PAYMENT RETRACTION ITEMS

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement PREPFEE REFUND

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement REMOVAL ORDER DAMAGED

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement REMOVAL ORDER LOST

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement RE EVALUATION

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement Return Adjustment

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement WAREHOUSE DAMAGE EXCEPTION

Other-transaction FBA Inventory Reimbursement WAREHOUSE LOST MANUAL



Amazon Dashboard Category

Taxomate Settlement Data

Taxomate Category

Refunded Expenses

Refund ItemFees RefundCommission

Refund ItemFees Commission

Refund ItemPrice RestockingFee

Commissions and Selling Fees

Refunded Expenses

Refund ItemFees ShippingChargeback

Refund Promotion Shipping

Shipping Expense

Refunded Expenses

Order ItemWithheldTax MarketplaceFacilitatorVAT-Principal

Sales Tax Remmitted

Refunded Sales

Refund ItemPrice Principal


Refunded Sales

Refund ItemPrice Shipping

Shipping Income


Amazon Dashboard Category

Taxomate Settlement Data

Taxomate Category

Promo Rebates

Order Promotion Shipping

Shipping Income

FBA Fees

Other-transaction Other-transaction RemovalComplete

Other-transaction Other-transaction Storage Fee

Other-transaction Other-transaction StorageRenewalBilling

Fulfillment and Warehousing

FBA Fees

Other-transaction Other-transaction FBAInboundTransportationFee

Other-transaction Other-transaction Inventory Placement Service Fee

Delivery and Transport

Cost of Advertising

ServiceFee Cost Of Advertising TransactionTotalAmount


Amazon Fees

Order ItemFees Commission

Order ItemFees GiftwrapChargeback

Commissions and Selling Fees

Amazon Fees

Order ItemFees FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee

Fulfillment and Warehousing

Amazon Fees

Order ItemFees ShippingChargeback

Shipping Expense

Amazon Fees

Order ItemFees SalesTaxServiceFee

Other-transaction Other-transaction Subscription Fee

Subscription and Service Fees

Other (Expenses)

Other-transaction Other-transaction Amazon Capital Services


Account Level Reserve

Amazon Dashboard Category

Taxomate Settlement Data

Taxomate Category

Account Level Reserve Other-transaction Other-transaction Current Reserve Amount Other-transaction Other-transaction Previous Reserve Amount Balance

Reserved Balance

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